Wednesday, 10 January 2007


time is such a funny thing... i realised today that in 11months exactly im going to be 16!!!! wooooo!!
but then i thought... 16years... wow thats like a reallyy long time!!!!!!
and sooo much has happend and decisions people have made generally for me has ended me up where i am now...
its actualy amazing!!
ok im going to give a short (hopefully) run through of my life!
  • born in huntingdon cambrigeshire! lived on raf base witon
  • david was born new house on the base
  • moved to lincolnshire, raf scampton when i was 3? so new playschool!
  • moved within scampton started primary school
  • moved to amesbury raf -boscome down at the end of my reception year- new school! non of my family wanted to move... and hated the idea of leaving especcialy as i had just started school!
  • my grandad(living in devon) became seriously ill... we were closer to him, and mum was able to travel down to see him much easier than it would have been if we were in lincoln!(funny conincedence!) my grandad died... but died knowing god.. just!
  • then!! my mum got cancer! and it turned out are local hospital happend to be the best in the country at that time for her particular needs! (funny coincedence!) mum got better and all was good!
  • we moved house again with in amesbury as dad left the raf and started workin at aerosystems in yeovil... some weird place in the middle of farms!
  • i stayed at my prymary school im amesbury, but it wasnt very good, as my brother had learning dificulties... but no servere enough for are school to apply for proper help! after having a pretty nightmarish time myself with bulling and the like at the school!
  • eventually in 2000 my parents decided it was best we moved to yeovil where dads job was! me and my brother started and new school! which gave him the proper help! (funny conincedence!)
  • i started music lessons at this school, which is now a major part of my life!
  • i was at that school from year4 to year6 the longest i'd ever stayed in 1school! i then started secondary school in yeovil which ive now been at for 4years! now the longest ive ever been at a school! its not bad... infact its amazing compared with what school i would be at if we stayed in amesbury! (funny conicedence!)
  • since we have been in yeovil (nearly 8years!!!!-longest ever!!) my dad has lost his job and got another about 4 or 5 times!! but hes always found more work! (funny conicedence!)
  • right now we are tryin to sell are house to down size (house no.8!) but its never been more obvious as a family we're ment to be in yeovil...
i dont think i could stand living in yeovil for another 8years, as it feels sooo weird to have lived in the same place for that long its boring!!,... it does somtimes drive me mad! and the lights of the big cities are calling... but all these funny conicedences i think just proves that god does have a plan... and even if at times its like why?! it is for the best...

i wouldn't of had it any other way!! even though most of my closest friends dont live in yeovil! i have amazing friends that live all over the uk! and have met soo many people and had soo many experiences that other people who have lived in the same place all there life havent had!
i dont think 16years ago anyone could have predicted my familys journey.... its amazing... but im only 15... and apparently the best is yet to come!

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