Sunday 14 January 2007

big brother!

k fess up who watches big brother? and who do you think is going to win??

anyhows! as i was watchin bigbrother it accorded to me that the viewers are kinda like god!
you can see everything they do... like god can see everything we do... so is the world like a giant big brother house... and lio saya just committed suicide? because he got fed up with god (big brother?)

i did have a point to make but i cant remeber it! urmm yea.... what do you think?!

1 comment:

David Keen said...

I watched the last proper BB but hate all this 'I'm a nonentity get me out of here' z-list celebrity stuff. If BB is like god, then it just goes to show what a hash we'd make of the job of being Lord of all creation.